What are the steps for throwing a successful house party?

  1. Sign up: Visit www.safeaccessnow.org/sign_up_to_host_an_asa_house_party or contact Talana Lattimer at (202) 857-4272.
  2. Pick a date: The best times to schedule house parties are Wednesday and Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons.
  3. Create your event page: Event pages are a great tool to use for hosting your ASA house party.  Your event page is our online central hub, where you can track RSVPs, accept donations and communicate with your guests.  Go to www.safeaccessnow.org/events to add your event.
  4. Build a guest list: Invite your friends, neighbors, coworkers, and members of groups you’re involved in. Recruit co-hosts to help you spread the word and invite their contacts. The general rule is to invite four times as many people as you expect to attend (really!).
  5. Send invitations: Send an email to your friends and family using your event page URL.
  6. Plan the party: Think about details like: easy directions to your home or the party location; clearly indicating your house for the day of the party; where your guests will park; where in your home is the most comfortable to accommodate the group; providing enough seats; where food and drink will be located; etc. Maybe consider a theme to encourage attendance and fun! Costume party, dance party, craft party, whatever…as long as you make it clear that fundraising for ASA is a priority! Food and drink is up to you, but food that can be eaten while standing is best. Finger foods that don’t require utensils like hors d’oeuvres, cheese and crackers, veggies, cookies and brownies work well. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy.
  7. Make a pitch plan: Make a plan for presenting your guests with information about the organization and making the pitch for support. In the kit, we’ll have scripts and ideas for how to make a strong pitch. You can call Rachel any time to help coach the host to make the perfect pitch.
  8. Enjoy your party: Have fun! Raising funds for and awareness for our movement and the work of ASA is pretty cool.
  9. Send donations to ASA:  Your guests can go online and give funds through your event page or you can collect check and mail them to our DC office 1806 Vernon St. NW Third Floor Washington, DC 20009. For cash donations, please get money orders before mailing to the ASA office. 


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